English Lavender

English Lavender

A beautiful and edible plant and is often considered an herb.

Plant your Lavender in full sun and well-draining soil.

When you first plant, water every other day. Once established do not overwater. Once every four days should be plenty.

How to Harvest

When the flower buds have formed but no opened you can harvest them. Cut the stem with pruners and gather a handful of flower stems. Leave at least 2 sets of leaves on the green part so the stem will regrow.

Once you have a handful secure the stems with a piece of twine or rubberband and hang upside down for 10 days. Remove the buds and store in a jar with a lid.

Benefits and Uses

Lavender is one of my favorite plants to grow, not only does it smell amazing it can help with sleep, acne and has been known to reduce blood pressure.

I dry my lavender and use it in teas as well as in my daughters facial soap.